Using parallel with multiple arguments

Using parallel with multiple arguments The example case One of the projects I’ve been working on lately, is about building OCI images with distroless components. The amount of generated images is considerably high, counting as of today about 2k images pushed. Let’s say that they are layers instead of images by themselves, as there is a chain dependency to make a final functional image. The problem was how I could check the image information across the Github API.

Ergodox Keyboard Layout for Colemak, QWERTY and Dvorak

My Personal Ergodox Layout for Colemak, QWERTY and Dvorak A few months ago, I bought the Ergodox OrthoLinear Split Keyboard. I found QWERTY layout a little uncomfortable to type in this keyboard, so I started the journey on searching for a better suitable keyboard layout. During a period of time, I switched back and forth between these three layouts, although I picked Colemak at the end. I really like Dvorak, but I’ve found that Colemak was better for me as I also use DAWs with a lot of shortcuts and other MacOs utilities.

Open Labs

Database Laboratories During the last years, I’ve been working on several open labs for Database trainings and webinars for OnGres and CanalDBA community. Some of these laboratories may look out-of-date, but they should commit their purpose for references and examples on how to setup them with few lines of code and with the most popular technologies. If you are willing to start with Ansible, Terraform, Docker and others for Databases, you may found this resources interesting for you.