IMPORTANT NOTE: This has been already addressed in PostgreSQL core, but this option is still available in RDS.
What does it change and why is so important? Tracking databases and not just tables counters in Postgres isn’t cheap, but since some time ago there were workarounds involving the setup of a ramdisk to place the directory pointed by stat_temp_directory GUC variable. That directory places a global.stat and a per-database stat files called like db_<oidOfDB>.
Before starting the container This article is not an introductory explanation of docker,however it’s scope if for docker’s beginners. You can consider it as an extension of the well documented Percona docker hub doc. For the source code of the image, the repository is at github.
Here is the all what you need to do for start:
docker run --name percona57 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=<a_password> -d percona:5.7 For checking the container status log, you can execute docker logs percona57.
Main application: InnoDB’s Full Text Search overview (with Shiny/R)
Credits Author: Emanuel Calvo
Company: Pythian
Thanks to Valerie Parham-Thompson @ Pythian and Daniel Prince @ Oracle.
Repository available at Github.
For the whole article and the Shinyapp application is available here.
Some initial thoughts A couple of days ago one of our customers came up with a question regarding FTS over InnoDB engine. Although the question is not answered in the current article, I came up with the conclusion that FTS is sometimes misunderstood.
Problem description Some systems have a bug that makes xbstream fail to create the destination directory, you need to force its creation. This is the reason, that in this post, I’ll be adding extra steps prior to open the xbstream process.
xtrabackup_56: Error writing file 'UNOPENED' (Errcode: 32 - Broken pipe) xb_stream_write_data() failed. Update: it’s been long time since new versions haven’t been tested by me, so this bug might be fixed as of now.
Sponsored: Pythian Inc.
ℹ️ All the work on this article is a PoC. ℹ️ See HIPAA compliance. KMS/RDS The POC on this article was developed before the releasing of the Key Management service for RDS.
I totally discourage to use the current approach for encrypting data. Use REST.
Introduction I’ve been dealing with an issue that came into my desktop from people of the community, regarding RDS and HIPAA rules.