Stream XtraBackup tricks for speeding up backup transfers

Multiple locations with Bash, xbstream, piping, compression with multi-cores and tee

- 2 mins read

Problem description

Some systems have a bug that makes xbstream fail to create the destination directory, you need to force its creation. This is the reason, that in this post, I’ll be adding extra steps prior to open the xbstream process.

xtrabackup_56: Error writing file 'UNOPENED' (Errcode: 32 - Broken pipe)
xb_stream_write_data() failed.

Update: it’s been long time since new versions haven’t been tested by me, so this bug might be fixed as of now.

Compressing and uncompressing to overcome slow networks

In the following example, we’re going to workaround this bug, stream the backup, uncompress, and apply the binary logs events. If you happen to have plenty of cores, you might prefer to compress and uncompress aggressively, especially if yor network transfer isn’t so fast.

innobackupex --parallel 50 --slave-info \
--ibbackup=/usr/bin/xtrabackup --tmpdir=/srv/ --stream=xbstream /srv/  \
| pigz | ssh "(cd /srv/mysql; gzip -dc | xbstream -x)”

Using xbstream would be something like this:

innobackupex --no-lock --slave-info --socket=/data/mysql/mysql.sock \
--stream=xbstream --safe-slave-backup  --tmpdir=/data/temp --user= \
--password="<password>" --parallel=4 ./ | pigz | \
ssh "(mkdir /data/mysql 2> /dev/null; cd /data/mysql; gzip -dc \
    | xbstream -x /data/mysql; chown -R mysql: /data/mysql) \
    && innobackupex --apply-log /data/mysql && chown -R mysql: /data/mysql"

Streaming to more than one host

Streaming the same backup to 2 different is possible, and the trick can be done this way:

time innobackupex --no-lock --slave-info --socket=/data/mysql/mysql.sock \
--stream=xbstream --safe-slave-backup  --tmpdir=/data/temp --user=myuser \
--password="<password>" --parallel=4 ./ | \
tee >(ssh root@host1 "(mkdir /data/mysql 2> /dev/null; cd /data/mysql; xbstream -x /data/mysql; chown -R mysql: /data/mysql) \
    && innobackupex --apply-log /data/mysql") \
>(ssh root@host2 "(mkdir /data/mysql 2> /dev/null; cd /data/mysql; xbstream -x /data/mysql; chown -R mysql: /data/mysql) \
    && innobackupex --apply-log /data/mysql && chown -R mysql: /data/mysql ") > /dev/null

With an anomyzed user:

innobackupex --no-lock --slave-info \
--tmpdir=/tmp/xtra --stream=xbstream --safe-slave-backup  --parallel=4 ./ \
| tee >(ssh "(mkdir /var/lib/mysql/data/ 2> /dev/null; cd /var/lib/mysql/data/; xbstream -x /var/lib/mysql/data/ ) \
        && innobackupex --apply-log /var/lib/mysql/data/") \
>(ssh "(mkdir /var/lib/mysql/data/ 2> /dev/null; cd /var/lib/mysql/data/; xbstream -x /var/lib/mysql/data/ ) \
        && innobackupex --apply-log /var/lib/mysql/data/ ") > /dev/null

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