Connecting Postgres and Kafka rawly

The dirty way using plain kafkacat

- 5 mins read

Series: Postgres

Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka and Postgres: Transaction and reporting capabilities

Apache Kafka is a well known distributed streaming platform for data processing and consistent messaging. It allows you to consistently centralize data streams for several purposes by consuming and producing them.

One of the examples of a nice implementation, is the Mozilla’s Data pipeline implementation, particularly as it shows Kafka as an entry point of the data flow. This allows you to plug new data stores bellow its stream, making it easy to use different data store formats ( such as DRBMS or Document, etc. ) for retrieving and writing data efficiently.

Postgres Bottled water is a different approach that deserves a mention. In this case, Postgres instances are the producers, brokers consume the streams and keep the message store available for any action. The advantage here is the well known Postgres' ACID capabilities, combined with advanced SQL features. This project is an extension, meaning that is possible to use new upcoming Postgres features easily portable.

It is possible also, to consume and produce data to a broker by using a new feature that extended the COPY tool for executing shell commands for input/output operations. A nice highlight of this feature can be read here.


kafkacat and librdkafka

kafkacat is a tool based on the same author’s library librdkafka which does exactly what its name says: produce and consume from a Kafka broker like cat command.

Producing to Kafka broker

Producing fake data to the Kafka broker, composed by key and payload:

# Random text
randtext() {cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | fold -w 32 | head -n 1}
while (true) ;
    for i in $(seq 1 50)  
      do echo "$(uuidgen);$(randtext)"
     done  | kafkacat -P -b localhost:9092 -qe -K ';' -t PGSHARD
     sleep 10

-K option defines the delimiter between the key and the payload, -t defines the topic you want to produce for. Originally, this topic has been created with 3 partitions (0-2), which will allow us to consume data in different channels, opening the door for parallelization.

Keys aren’t mandatory when producing to a broker, and actually for certain solutions you can omit it.

Consuming and Producing inside a Postgres instance

The general syntax will be something close as:

COPY main(group_id,payload)
  'kafkacat -C -b localhost:9092 -c100 -qeJ -t PGSHARD  -X  -o beginning  -p 0 | awk ''{print "P0\t" $0 }'' ';

Code piping to an awk is not strictly necessary and it is only for showing the flexibility of the feature. When using the option -J, the output will be printed in json format, containing all the message information, including partition, key and message.

-c option will limit the amount of rows in the operation. As COPY is transactional, be aware that the higher is the amount of rows, the larger will be the transaction and COMMIT times will be affected.

Consuming topics incrementally

Consuming the topic partitions from the beginning and setting a limit of 100 documents is easy as:

bin/psql -p7777 -Upostgres master <<EOF
COPY main(group_id,payload) FROM PROGRAM 'kafkacat -C -b localhost:9092 -c100 -qeJ -t PGSHARD  -X  -o beginning  -p 0 | awk ''{print "P0\t" \$0 }'' ';
COPY main(group_id,payload) FROM PROGRAM 'kafkacat -C -b localhost:9092 -c100 -qeJ -t PGSHARD  -X  -o beginning  -p 1 | awk ''{print "P1\t" \$0 }'' ';
COPY main(group_id,payload) FROM PROGRAM 'kafkacat -C -b localhost:9092 -c100 -qeJ -t PGSHARD  -X  -o beginning  -p 2 | awk ''{print "P2\t" \$0 }'' ';

And then using stored, in order to consume from the last offset consumed by the consumer on the group:

bin/psql -p7777 -Upostgres master <<EOF
COPY main(group_id,payload) FROM PROGRAM 'kafkacat -C -b localhost:9092 -c100 -qeJ -t PGSHARD  -X  -o stored  -p 0 | awk ''{print "P0\t" \$0 }'' ';
COPY main(group_id,payload) FROM PROGRAM 'kafkacat -C -b localhost:9092 -c100 -qeJ -t PGSHARD  -X  -o stored  -p 1 | awk ''{print "P1\t" \$0 }'' ';
COPY main(group_id,payload) FROM PROGRAM 'kafkacat -C -b localhost:9092 -c100 -qeJ -t PGSHARD  -X  -o stored  -p 2 | awk ''{print "P2\t" \$0 }'' ';

Each COPY line, can be executed in parallel in different Postgres instances, making this approach flexible and easy scalable across a board of servers.

This is not entirely consistent, as once the offset is consumed, will be marked in the broker, wether if transaction fails at Postgres side can potentially lead to data missing.

Producing messages out the Postgres instances

The same way is possible to consume changes, it is possible to do the same for producing data to the broker. This can be incredibly useful for micro aggregations, done over the consumed raw data from the broker.

The bellow example shows how to run a simple query with a very simplistic aggregation and publish it in JSON format to the broker:

master=# COPY (select row_to_json(row(now() ,group_id , count(*))) from main group by group_id)
         TO PROGRAM 'kafkacat -P -b localhost:9092 -qe  -t AGGREGATIONS';

If you have a farm of servers and want to search the topic contents using a key, you can do the following tweak:

COPY (select inet_server_addr() || ';', row_to_json(row(now() ,group_id , count(*))) from main group by group_id)
   TO PROGRAM 'kafkacat -P -K '';'' -b localhost:9092 -qe  -t AGGREGATIONS';

This is how the published payloads look like (without key):

➜  PG10 kafkacat -C -b localhost:9092 -qeJ -t AGGREGATIONS -X  -o beginning

… and with key:


Basic topic manipulation

If you are new into Kafka, you will find useful to count with a few command examples to play with your local broker.

Starting everything:

bin/ config/ 2> zookeper.log &
bin/ config/ 2> kafka.log &

Creating topics and others:

bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic PGSHARD
bin/ --delete  --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic PGSHARD
bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic AGGREGATIONS
bin/ --delete  --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic AGGREGATIONS

NOTE: For deleting topics, you need to enable the delete.topic.enable=true in file.

Hope you find this useful!

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