Using parallel with multiple arguments

Passing multiple arguments in JSON to parallel

- 5 mins read

Series: Bash

A handy tool for parallelization

If you are reading this post, is because you have heard about parallel. It is a GNU developed tool for paralelizing commands across sets of arguments. I’ll be honest, I use to forget about its existence until I need to do quick and dirty things when dealing with tasks that require paralelization, and whenever time is a constraint.

It has plenty of options and arguments, although once you get up on its usage, it is very handy in many cases.

My case

One of the projects I’ve been working on recently involves building OCI images based on distroless components. The number of generated images is quite high, with around 4,000 images pushed to date. These should be considered layers rather than standalone images, as they form a chain dependency to create a final functional image.

The challenge was to check the image information via the GitHub API. To address this, I built a script that traversed all existing containers (the term GitHub uses for images) across several pages.

My initial approach was straightforward: extract the name and ID of each image, parse the data, perform variable substitution, and then scrape and store the image information. However, the entire process was taking 12 minutes to complete, which was clearly inefficient and unacceptable.

In the past, I had used parallel processing, but this situation was different since the arguments were not combinations but individual rows of information for each image version.

Using parallel processing in this case reduced the full execution time to around 6 minutes, even with a limit of just four concurrent jobs to avoid surpassing the API quota constraints.

Addressing the problem: passing parameters in JSON to parallel

The below snippet is a part of a function called index_container_pages which is a produces the parameters in a JSON format, with the needed information to scrape image ID from the API.

  jq -r  '.[] | {id: .id , name: .name , url: .url} | @json' \
    $(get_container_pages) > ${OUTDIR}/paramix.json

The get_container_pages is a function that just returns all the previously downloaded pages from the registry. Consider that we are talking about around 4,000 images (containers, as known in Github), so this is returning around +30 pages of JSON files. Within the above command, I was able to combine them all into a the JSON file that serves as parameters for the parallel command.

This generated file is the argument list that we are going to use forward to parametrize parallel.

The code inside the script, ended up looking like this:

  HEADER="curl -s -L -H \"Accept: application/vnd.github+json\" \
        -H \"Authorization: Bearer ${GH_TOKEN}\" \
        -H \"X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28\""
  parallel --progress --colsep '\t' -j4 \
    '[ ! -d '''${OUTDIR}'''/{2} ] && { mkdir -p '''${OUTDIR}'''/{2} ; } ; \
    '''${HEADER}''' \
        {1} > '''${OUTDIR}'''/{2}/{3}.json ; sleep 0.1' \
     :::: <(jq -r '. | "\(.url)\t\(.name)\t\(.id)"' ${OUTDIR}/paramix.json) 

  parallel --progress --colsep '\t' -j4 \
    ''''${HEADER}''' \
        {1}/versions > '''${OUTDIR}'''/{2}/versions.json ; sleep 0.1' \
     :::: <(jq -r '. | "\(.url)\t\(.name)"' ${OUTDIR}/paramix.json) 
  • HEADER is just a Macro of the curl command.
  • Those variables using triple single quotes are those “constants”, so we inject them directly into the parallel command.
    • I know it looks weird to use triple-single quotes, but IMHO it is the best way to escape from quotes on the shell. You can inject whatever you have declared without falling into annoying back-slashes and is more consistent.
  • The :::: is the parallel equivalent of while, and we read the parameters from the paramix.json in TSV format. You can use CSV too. In any case, this is controlled by --colsep '\t'.
  • The {1}, {2} and {3} are the variables that we feed from the jq command. Duh.
  • The sleep isn’t strictly necessary, but it controls better the case in which the iteration could be considered suspicious.
    • GH registry was complaining when I tried to issue the command with no sleep.
  • The name, returns the name path of the image, so we use that exact name to create the local path.

You can even do better controling the parallelization with the -j flag by getting the factor of processing that you want to assign. Eg.:

-j $(expr $(nproc) / 2 + 1)
-j $(nproc)

Keep in mind that there are certain limitation regarding the amount of permitted requests across any API. Although, the above example can be used to process things locally.

Other combinations

The parallel arguments can be basically controlled by :::, :::+ and :::: (which is the one we used above for taking arguments from a file). The ::: just combines all the arguments, whether :::+ forces a single execution for each argument.

parallel echo ::: 1 2 3 ::: A B C ::: T
1 A T
1 B T
1 C T
2 A T
2 B T
2 C T
3 A T
3 B T
3 C T

Now, suppose that I just want the combinations for A B C only, so I can use :::+ to do a single iteration:

parallel echo ::: 1 2 3 :::+ A B C ::: T
1 A T
2 B T
3 C T

parallel echo ::: 1 2 3 ::: A B C :::+ T
1 A T
2 A T
3 A T

The rightmost arguments do have precedence over the leftmost arguments, so keep this in mind when building argument lists.

Thanks for reading!

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