Implementing a functional multi-process function in Bash

Using only wait and jobs commands

- 3 mins read

Series: Bash

If you’re in this post, is because you need to implement a consistent way to add concurrency to your scripts. This implementation is limited, as it does not contemplates grouping jobs for setting different process groups with different settings or priorities.

Although, probably most of the cases you just need to execute code that runs inside a block or just simply does something in parallel. The parallel command is a good option, but it requires to loose some code readability, particularly on code blocks that might inject a complex semantic.

You can start with this definition:


    while test $(jobs -p | wc -l) -ge $maxJobs ; do sleep 1 ; wait -n; done

    wait < <(jobs -p)

The waiter function does the check that the current number of jobs spawned currently by the process do not exceed the maxJobs value using the standard wait call.

The wait -n command waits the next job to terminate. This is for all the jobs that are running at that point in time. Implementing a more elaborated approach for waiting by groups, would be storing the job id and use wait -f ID and coordinate accordingly.

The jobs -p lists the IDs of the jobs, combined with just a plain wc -l that counts the list. If you happen to store those IDs, it is possible to coordinate and configuring groups of jobs. Also, jobs -n allows you to list only those jobs that have changed its status, as a message queue. Check the man page for more details.

The waitall will wait for all pids returned by jobs -p. See this SO thread.

The usage is simple, and relies on the concept of code blocks in base. You can use just simple commands too, but organizing through bash blocks may encouraged.

        # operations ...
    ) &
# once the loop is done, wait for all jobs

Here is an example implemented in a function. In this case I implement an iteration for spawning jobs, just for the sake of the example:

function AFuncThatSpawnsSubProcesses() {
    for file in $(ls output/*.json)
        # Worker initialization
        org=$(echo $file | grep -Po '(?<=_)[^_]+(?=_)')
        repo=$(echo $file | grep -Po '(?<=_)[^_]+(?=\.)')

        # Operation block
        waiter # Check and wait to a job release
            someOutput=$(ExecuteSomethingInFunc $org $repo)
            ExecuteSomethingElseInFunc $someOutput
        ) &

    waitall # wait the rest of jobs to finish

Handling Interruptions

When spawning childs, you need to handle interruptions for controlling the jobs running in the process. If you want to handle this nicely, or you have intention to stop only a group of jobs, you need to store the PIDS – let’s say – in an array for killing them in the interruption handler.

This allows you to implement more complex logic, like having a set of workers that you want to kill differently – storing the state, eg. – and other group to be killed immediately.

The following definitions are a lazy approach, which just kills all childs and finally, kills the parent.

trap "ctrlc" SIGINT

   kill $(jobs -p)  # kills childs
   pkill -P $$      # kills parent

Reusing functions

You can use a library style bash script like this Gist too.

. ./

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