Evaluating PGCat's Sharding by hash

Distributing shards across nodes.

- 7 mins read

Series: Postgres

ℹ️   PGCat’s sharding feature is currently experimental. The code for the laboratory can be found at lab_pgcat.

PGCat sharding mechanisms

As of today, PGCat supports 2 mechanisms of sharding through extended syntax:

  • By setting the shard explicitly: SET SHARD TO '<index>';, which allows you to do deterministic sharding, whether you choose your shard according to a rule, such a lookup, region, customer’s group, etc. This is great if you have one of those well delimited or an even distribution. But, still a nice approach and kind scalable. We won’t be focusing on this strategy in this post, as its implementation relies on custom requirements.
  • Setting sharding_function to use one of the available functions: pg_bigint_hash and sha1. The extended syntax SET SHARDING KEY TO '<value>'; will calculate the index. Not very clear from docs how sha1 function is used, so this post will focus on pg_bigint_hash case. Shard by hash is a bold strategy, particularly if you expect to have a large workload, and you need to have enough compute across all shards. This extended syntax can be done through comments, see pgcat Sharding documentation. In this laboratory, we’ll focus on the pg_bigint_hash function. It is not clear from PGCat’s documentation how sha1 should be implemented, by I’ll extend the laboratory to cover it – that is, if I overcome my skill issues :P .

At this point, you may be aware of the complexities of implementing sharding, and what limitations we expect from the hashing approach. Keep in mind that this PGCat feature is tied to the Postgres partition, based on the same HASH_PARTITION_SEED. See also pgcat hash seed.

Resharding is costly, always. And in this case, being tied to a Postgres partition schema makes things harder. eg. you’ll need to rebuild tables for the new hash distribution if you need to scale up the cluster.

The usual strategy when you do shard by hash, is to start with a large modulus (that is, total amount of partitions). Due this, you may not want to start with a shard per node, as you can end up with a costly architecture from the beginning.

The strategy is simple in this laboratory: allocate more than one shard per node. An example graph of this would be as follow:

flowchart TD POOL(fa:fa-database PGCat/shardpool) CLIENT(fa:fa-database Client) -. Port 15432 .-> POOL POOL -->|Remainder 0| TABLEP0(fa:fa-table Parent Table) POOL -->|Remainder 1| TABLEP1(fa:fa-table Parent Table) POOL -->|Remainder 2| TABLEP2(fa:fa-table Parent Table) POOL -->|Remainder 3| TABLEP3(fa:fa-table Parent Table) POOL -->|Remainder 4| TABLEP4(fa:fa-table Parent Table) POOL -->|Remainder 5| TABLEP5(fa:fa-table Parent Table) subgraph Node1 subgraph Shard0 fa:fa-database TABLEP0 -.-> PART0(fa:fa-table Modulus 0 Partition) end subgraph Shard3 fa:fa-database TABLEP3 -.-> PART3(fa:fa-table Modulus 3 Partition) end end subgraph Node2 subgraph Shard1 fa:fa-database TABLEP1 -.-> PART1(fa:fa-table Modulus 1 Partition) end subgraph Shard4 fa:fa-database TABLEP4 -.-> PART4(fa:fa-table Modulus 4 Partition) end end subgraph Node3 subgraph Shard2 fa:fa-database TABLEP2 -.-> PART2(fa:fa-table Modulus 2 Partition) end subgraph Shard5 fa:fa-database TABLEP5 -.-> PART5(fa:fa-table Modulus 5 Partition) end end

Within this approach, you can start allocating more than one shard per node, and migrate those shards to new nodes without the need of changing the modulus, which defines the total amount of allowed partitions.

Each shard holds the same parent table, with only one partition per shard which corresponds with its hash reminder. This is the only twist, and avoids accidental insertions into the wrong partition. Also, it allows you to operate those partitions independently.

ℹ️   Note that you could merge partitions in the same shard and let PGCat point to the same node/shard, however the shard naming should be using a different convension. eg. shard_A, shard_B, etc.

This, combined with Logical Replication and the ability of PGCat for reloading configuration on the fly, will allow to migrate each shard independently.


I extended the Original tests for running on a custom architecture and use pgbench’s scripting for doing further benchmarks.

The laboratory consists in containers spawn via Ansible playbook. The reason of not using Docker Compose here, is because it does not have enough flexibility to scale containers that aren’t stateless. Ansible playbooks allow us to make more dynamic configuration over the same container family. You may find that there is not much difference in between, as the attributes maintain coherence across technologies.


Here are the key parts of the laboratory:

The inventory contains 2 important variables: shard_factor and shard_modulus, where shard_modulus should be divisible by the shard_factor.

    postgres_user: "node_user"
    postgres_password: "password"
    postgres_db: "postgres"
    shard_prefix: "shard_"
    shard_factor: 3                     # How many shards per node by default
    shard_modulus: 9                    # How many total shards
    pgcat_expose_port_ix: 15432

The ansible playbook uses community.docker.docker_container module for deploying the containers.

    # Deploy PostgreSQL Node
    - name: Run PostgreSQL Node Container
        name: "{{ item.stdout }}"
        image: postgres:17
        restart_policy: unless-stopped
          POSTGRES_USER: "{{ postgres_user }}"
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: "{{ postgres_password }}"
          POSTGRES_DB: "{{ postgres_db }}"
          - "16000-16100:5432"
          - name: back-net
          com.docker.scaled.kind: node
          - ".conf/init_{{ item.stdout }}.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql"
        command: >
          postgres  -c wal_level=logical
                    -c max_replication_slots=4
                    -c max_wal_senders=4
                    -c listen_addresses='*'
                    -c hot_standby_feedback=on
                    -c sync_replication_slots=true          
      loop: "{{ nodes.results }}"

    # Deploy PgCat (Connection Pooler)
    - name: Run PgCat Container
        name: pgcat
        image: ghcr.io/postgresml/pgcat:latest
        restart_policy: unless-stopped
          - "15432:5432"
          - ".conf/pgcat.toml:/etc/pgcat/pgcat.toml"
          com.docker.scaled.kind: pgcat
          - name: back-net

Each Postgres node contains a table with a single partition for the corresponding shard’s remainder, getting its modulus by extracting the index from the database name.

{% for shard in range(nodeix | int, shard_modulus, shard_factor) %}
CREATE DATABASE {{ shard_prefix }}{{ shard }};
{% endfor %}

{% for shard in range(nodeix | int, shard_modulus, shard_factor) %}

\c {{ shard_prefix }}{{ shard }}


    username BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, 
    email TEXT NOT NULL
) PARTITION BY HASH (username);

CREATE TABLE users_{{ shard }}_v1 PARTITION OF users FOR VALUES WITH (MODULUS {{ shard_modulus }}, REMAINDER {{ shard }});

{% endfor %}

The pgcat.toml is generated through the following jinja template:

username = "{{ postgres_user }}"
password = "{{ postgres_password }}"
pool_size = 10
pool_mode = "transaction"

{% for i in nodes.results %}
{% for shard in range(i.item, shard_modulus, shard_factor) %}
[pools.shardpool.shards.{{ shard }}]
servers = [["{{ i.stdout }}", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "{{ shard_prefix }}{{ shard }}"
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

The rendered template will build the shard list as follows:

username = "node_user"
password = "password"
pool_size = 10
pool_mode = "transaction"

servers = [["node_0", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "shard_0"
servers = [["node_0", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "shard_3"
servers = [["node_0", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "shard_6"
servers = [["node_1", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "shard_1"
servers = [["node_1", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "shard_4"
servers = [["node_1", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "shard_7"
servers = [["node_2", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "shard_2"
servers = [["node_2", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "shard_5"
servers = [["node_2", 5432, "primary"]]
database = "shard_8"

To initiate the cluster, run the following commands:

pipenv shell
pipenv install
# If you are on MacOS:
export DOCKER_HOST=$(docker context inspect $(docker context show) | jq -r '.[].Endpoints.docker.Host')

ansible-playbook main.yaml

For cleaning up:

ansible-playbook main.yaml --tags clean

Now, for running basic benchmarks, we’ll reuse the original tests and port them into pgbench format (see pgbench-shard.sql):

\set key random(1, 10000 * :scale)

-- Write: Insert a new user

INSERT INTO users (username, email) VALUES (
    :key || '@example.com'

SELECT * FROM users WHERE email = :key || '@example.com';

Chaging the ID of rows requires some additional work, but PGCat allows this by doing (that will migrate the row across remote partitions – cool!):

\set newkey random(1, 10000 * :scale)

DELETE FROM users WHERE username = :key;

INSERT INTO users VALUES (:newkey, ':key' || '@changed.com')

The way we connect to the sharded pool is by using its name as the database (shardpool in this case). For instance, we can execute the test by issuing something like this (I’m using here Postgres.app for Mac, use your local binaries):

PGPASSWORD=password ${PGBIN}/pgbench -h localhost -p 15432 -U shard_user -d shardpool -f pgbench-shard.sql -c 10 -T 10 

In the next posts, I’ll run stress benchmarks with different shard modulus and doing shard migrations combining Logical Replication and PGCat hot-reloading.

Thanks for reading!

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