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This project was a programatic benchmark comparision between Postgres and MongoDB on a single instance. Filesystems used: XFS and ZFS. It also uses AWS SQS for notifying the status of each run.

It was coded using Terraform and AWS API. The analysis was conducted through Python Notebooks.

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Personal findings

  • Postgres is faster than MongoDB on a single node when the active dataset doesn’t fit in memory.
  • For datasets that fit in memory, MongoDB performs better, which is no surprise. Unless, you implement a Pooling layer.
  • The MongoDB setup was slightly easier than Postgres. Although, less tunable options are available in MongoDB.
  • Scaling Postgres requires a Pool layer, otherwise it will hit a performance bottleneck, unless you keep a low number of active connections. This can be persued through client pool, although you may need to reconfigure your applications to reduce the amount of connections if more backends added.
  • Postgres consumes less CPU in all cases than MongoDB.

Some examples of the collected results

The following shows the results of Mongo, Postgres, and PG+PGBouncer on XFS with 95% of reads and 5% writes: Fix XFS R95/W5%

The following shows the results of Mongo, Postgres, and PG+PGBouncer on ZFS with 50/50 distribution: Non-fit ZFS 50/50

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